Soul And / Or Related Artists
soulwalking 'out on the road'...

Toby, Nick & Peter Young

this old fool, nick power and peter young

image courtesy of Chris Payne @ Radio London Ltd (Funk Brothers concert 2004)

Recently, my good friend, Nick Power (I am on the left, Nick in the background and PY on the right) and I were asked to deejay at a couple of events, that had no sound systems, apart from the built in stereo system. Nick and I go back a long way. He and I are heavily into this music. Nick has an amazing 'state of the art' mobile piece of technology, a van and a wish to play the real deal.

After we received the playlists for these two events, we had to go and lie down! It dawned on us that there must be a demand from people, who want a 'one off' event, who are into the music, and would like to, say move into a wine bar, for an evening, have some 'proper music' played to them and move out at the end, with everyone having had a good time. Could be a post wedding party, a Christmas doo, birthday maybe. Limitless reasons really.

We wanted to propose to anyone out there, that, if say, you are a couple of Soul fans, say, getting married, and you don't want to hear Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Abba or Billy Joel at your gig, you may want to drop us a line? We are both old hands at this stuff and believe we aren't the only like minded people out there.

If you wish to get in touch, do e-mail us at:

We can cover all of Britain and could entertain travelling to the Continent if need be. We might even work out a Stateside excursion from London, although the gear may have to be 'in-house' out there.

Nicks current musical equipment specifications are as follows (he is updating these all the time):

2 Systems:

Martin Audio Blackline Series F15 & S18 (all running at 700 watts per channel)
Pioneer Mixer & CD Player
Technics Decks

Nexo PS Series
Alan & Heath Mixer
Latest Technics CD Player
With CD / CDMP3 /SD Audio

There are lights available, as well, for both systems.

Recommendations from Clients:

27.9.04. From Stefie and Andy in Surrey 'Just to say many many thanks for doing things so well for us on Saturday night. We had a great night and the way you did the music was a big part of that. Lots of people asked where we found you. Is it O.K. to pass on your details when people ask? Please pass this on to Nick as well. Many thanks again'

Fay & Stuarts 25th Gig Fay & Stuarts 25th gig

16.11.04. From Fay & Stuart in Purley. 'Hi Toby Nice speaking to you today. We really enjoyed ourselves and everyone said the party rocked, due of course in no small part to you guys. Thats praise indeed from our crowd because as you must have noticed they know their music. Thanks again for being an excellent part of Fay and I's 25th Anniversary party. Please pass this mail on to Nick.'

Radio London

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